Octavia's Recipes

Welcome to my first Odin project! The purpose of this site is to simply showcase the HTML and CSS skills I've learned in the course up to the point of the last update of the site (click on the github link in the footer to see that info). So far, that includes things like margins, padding, borders, fonts, two dimensions, display types, and other basic HTML/CSS skills.

This is now the third iteration of the site. The first iteration was meant to showcase the skills we'd learned with HTML. The second iteration showcased CSS skills. This third iteration is something I've done on my own accord to make the site more visually appealing.

I'm fairly happy with where the project is now. I may come back to this and add a couple of things here and there, or maybe even change the structure of the code altogether. For now, though, I think I'm going to call it done.

In the mean time, make yourself at home and have a look around! This site doesn't contain your typical Lorem Ipsum dummy content. It has real (and in my opinion, delicious) recipes! Feel free to try 'em out! And then check back at a later date to see if anything's changed. See you then!